Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar              Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar                Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar PLLS │1│2│3│4│5│6│7│8│9│10│11│12│13│14│15│16│17│18│19│ Francis Cairns Publications

Caesar against Liberty? Perspectives on his Autocracy

Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 11 (2003)

Edited by Francis Cairns and Elaine Fantham

ISBN 978-0-905205-39-7. ARCA 43.  xxii+234 pp. Cloth. 2003.

Julius Caesar changed world history by inaugurating the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. This themed volume of PLLS handles the important and controversial problem of Caesar's own attitudes to 'liberty' and 'autocracy'. It contains revised, annotated and sometimes expanded versions of papers delivered at the Seventh Annual Langford Conference at Florida State University, along with one supplementary contribution and English translations of two papers originally published in Italian. The contributors constitute a distinguished international group of ancient historians. Subjects: Ancient History, Roman History, Latin Literature, Roman Political Thought.


Elaine Fantham (Princeton University): Caesar against Liberty? An Introduction (1-18)

Robin Seager (University of Liverpool): Caesar and Gaul: Some Perspectives on the Bellum Gallicum (19-34)

Kurt Raaflaub (Brown University): Caesar the Liberator?  Factional politics, civil war, and ideology (35-67)

Peter White (University of Chicago): Tactics in Caesar's Correspondence with Cicero (68-95)

Elaine Fantham (Princeton University): Three Wise Men and the End of the Roman Republic (96-117)

Ronald Cluett (Pomona College): In Caesar's Wake: the Ideology of the Continuators (118-131)

Mark Toher (Union College, Schenectady): Julius Caesar and Octavian in Nicolaus (132-156)

Miriam Griffin (Somerville College Oxford): Clementia after Caesar: from Politics to Philosophy (157-182)

Emilio Gabba (Università di Pavia): Caesar's Reforms (183-189)

Marta Sordi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): Caesar's Powers in his last Phase (190-199)

Bibliographical Addendum by John G. Nordling (Baylor University) (201-220)

Indexes: Index Locorum; Subject Index

Review:  “... questo prezioso volume, destinato a divenire un punto di riferimento degli studi su Cesare: a più di 50 anni dalla fondamentale monografia di C. Wirszubski sulla libertas, infatti, si ha qui un’autorevole messa a punto dello status quaestionis...” Aevum 79 (2005) 220-21 (Ermanno Malaspina)